Chris Dancy

Hello, I'm Chris Dancy, often recognized as the world's most connected person. My passion lies not just in the myriad of data that surrounds us but in harnessing its power to benefit individuals and communities. Through the creation of quick, simple, and efficient websites, I aim to solve real-world problems and foster connections within communities. My mission is to bridge the gap between data and people, ensuring that technology serves us, bringing us closer in meaningful ways.

The Advocator

Welcome to! We're excited to help you amplify your voice and empower your cause. Our platform leverages the power of personal stories and artificial intelligence to help you create custom emails that support your positions on social and health issues.
Whether you're advocating for LGBTQAI+ rights, social justice, or health equity, is here to help. We believe that every voice matters, and we're committed to making it easier for you to make a difference. Join us today and let's make the world a better place together!
Created by: Chris Dancy and Made with Magic, Love, Airtable, and Pory